Contract Data Analysis

Shareforce’s AI/NLP-powered Contract Data Analytics tool combines the strength of the clause-component database (“clause library”), user activity, usage of clause-components, embedded quantitative data and content distribution. By building your contracts digitally from inception, and by registering all usage data in the platform, we enable quantitative (variables) and contract wording analysis, including analysis and extraction of data from legacy (pre Shareforce) and third-party contracts comparison.

AI models

Our AI models are helping content managers with optimizing the clause-component databases (“clause library”) and the templates by finding similar clauses, clauses which can be linked, or clauses that get push-back and may be in need of updating. The AI model will suggest these optimalisations to the Content Managers. So even though the machine is doing the work, all AI output is validated by your subject matter experts: a critical condition for legal documents. Training of the models that drive our Contract Data Analytics tool takes place within your safe perimeter on your own contract intelligence.


Extract instant insights from the clauses (contract building blocks), obligations, risks, and critical data in your contracts. Find deviations in your contracts from standard clauses/templates and the degree of deviation. Perform quantitative risk analyses (financial exposure) via variables on individual contract level or aggregated level.

Data Mining

Extract and discover patterns in your contract data set. Find and replace legal content that has been flagged as ‘risk’. Perform country, sector, product analysis or any exposure you deem relevant.

B.I. Dashboards

Build bespoke dashboards: view aggregated data for contract risk, quantitative data (variables) or any contract dimension you’d like to see. Dashboards give our customers insights in their contracts and clause usage. It provides a graphical representation of the collective contract knowledge of the company.