What is Shareforce?

Shareforce has re-invented and redesigned the way contracting activities are organised. Our software enables customers to contract better and faster, empowering organisations to speed up the digital transformation of their contract operations. We focus on industries where contract-intensive processes are at the core of the enterprise.


Shareforce is an AI/NLP-powered software platform for enterprise legal content management, contract process automation and unlocking contract data at its deepest level. Our SaaS-based, modular solution is driven by a firm-wide clause-component database (a contract building-block library) that is fully controlled by legal staff and that can easily augment other software. The clause-component database serves as a firm’s ‘Single Source of Truth’ (SSOT) for each legal document and for all its employees, departments, countries and systems. Our collaboration & workflow tools facilitate improving the compliance and uniformity of legal documents, while saving time by reducing duplicative work. Our Contract Data Analytics solution enables firms to unlock their contract data to offer business intelligence.

What do we offer?

Enterprise Legal Content Management

Built on our foundation, a Clause-component Database, controlled by legal staff and contract experts and used firm-wide for each legal document. With embedded collaboration & workflow tools, this solution improves compliance and uniformity of legal documents, and increases efficiency as updates are created once & instantly distributed.
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Benefit: repapering becomes faster, easier and clearer.

No-code Automated Document Creation

Users generate tailor-made contracts faster and automatically, in MS Word, by using the ‘automated’ contract building blocks that are available in the database. Users have full flexibility, from drafting their initial document to any subsequent versions: all manual changes from previous drafts are kept and are accessible in subsequent versions.
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Benefit: much faster time-to-market.

Contract Data Analytics

By building your contracts digitally from inception, and by registering all usage data in the platform, we enable quantitative (variables) and contract wording analysis: find clause deviations, find and replace legal content that has been flagged as ‘risk’, and perform financial exposure analysis.
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Benefit: unlock contract data for business intelligence and risk management, legacy document analysis and third-party document comparison.

What makes us unique?

Shareforce has created a new software vertical: end-to-end Enterprise Legal Content Management. Based on our Core Concepts, Shareforce puts the subject matter experts in full control of contract design and maintenance. As Shareforce builds contracts, based on granular building blocks, fully digitally from inception, relevant contract data is collected and embedded in the creation phase. This allows us to offer post-creation services like contract analysis and business intelligence organically. Offering a platform that services the full contract life cycle (pre and post award) offers a highly differentiated, fully digital contract process preferred by our customers.