Automated Document Creation

Our Automated Document Creation solution allows users to generate tailor-made documents faster and automatically. Legal staff independently create automated legal documents by using the ‘automated’ contract building blocks that are available in their clause-component databases (“clause library”), bringing contract consistency and saving valuable time by faster legal document drafting. This firm-wide document generation solution can be utilised for everything from bespoke contracts to contracts that are created through Straight-Through-Processing.

No Code

Our solution requires no coding, or knowledge of programming languages: our process is based on creating multi-purpose clause-components, adding links (i.e. “Needs”, “Alternative”, “Conflicts with”), using tags to identify clause-components, using sets to group components, and using filters. These intuitive steps make adding logic to documents quick and straightforward. To generate a document, users simply select options to generate bespoke, complex contracts, yet keep all the flexibility of using the clause-component databases (“clause library”), or add any other bespoke content.

Full Flexibility

Shareforce ADC offers unlimited contract scenarios (unlike a single-track questionnaire-based approach). Users have full flexibility, from drafting their initial document to any subsequent versions: all clause-component database content, as well as any manual changes in MS Word are retained and are accessible in all successive versions. Furthermore, by separating content and styling, legal & content professionals can focus on their core competency: curating the best content, without worrying about formatting. Our solution limits manual, repetitive and uninteresting work so lawyers can focus on bespoke, more stimulating and higher value work.

MS Word

All our Automated Document Creation features are available in MS Word, which means everyone can work in their favourite domain.